Forét_I Am A Gardener.

When I talk about Fashion, I can be a very easy customer if the season theme hits my appetite. yeah I am talk about this newly discover Danish brand _forét.
forét is your friendly reminder to go outside.
Life is just outside your door.
I don't know whats the relationship between De Bijenkorff department store with Denmark. I found Its became very often to see some new brand which is Copenhagen based, and somehow magically they all have business in Netherlands. Anyway, I am very glad I found forét while I doing my regular groceries shopping in the city, especially my new sweatshirt! I feel the cotton towelling logo in green is really a smart details, Its almost looks like some new grow grass on the sweatshirt! and then later after I done some research about this adorable brand online, their spring summer theme of this year is I Am A Gardener, which make me love them even more. Its feel so organic, healthy, and perfectly suit the plant fanatic --me! Although to be frankly, the design relatively very basic, I can possibly found similar stuff from H&M would only cost me 1/3 of price, but I just can not resist the esthetic of this brand. Okay! I had decided I will only wear green for the entire spring season, because I want be a gardener too!