

Years ago my therapist once told me, the way to prove our life is to rely on something very simple, which is TALKING.  To speak out what we think, and communicate with other people, by doing so it will achieve what we call life.

I have been thinking about this for a long while, because I had noticed that I have not spoken to anyone else except my husband, my cats, and some delivery guys at the door for months.

I know this is not aquencidence but it's a situation I intend to, I want it like this. After several failed social events, I am so tired of pretending I am friendly, a good listener, or faking I am very impressed by what they achieved.  It feels like most conversations, people just keep talking about them, and make them feel great after the conversation is over.  then I feel extremely bored, tired, and miserable. Yeah,

why do I feel this way?

If the feeling can be real, why would I need to pretend?