Work, Sleep, And More Work.

After I moved to my new home at the end of June, I had barely time to settle down before I rushed off to Paris. When I came back, I immediately got busy like a worker bee. Because I had promised a cooperation project before the end of the month, I had to submit sketches for a total of ten paintings. To be honest, I haven’t devoted myself to such a project for a long time. Every day I just painted, ate instant noodles, slept. And the next day, repeat the whole thing! I felt like a robot trying to produce art. But a robot is a mechanical machine, there's no feeling there. So I'm trying to be a robot, but with feelings! It's all very paradoxical and a little stressful. I finally uploaded all 10 paintings yesterday, done! I instantly felt that the boulder that had been in my heart for a long time had finally disappeared. I smiled and told my husband, I can finally enjoy our new home, and for the rest of August, I don't want to have any schedules, no jobs waiting, no social parties, or socializing. The only thing I want to do is take good care of myself and my cat! And my husband, maybe.
