I was very surprised to find kohlrabi in the Dutch supermarket after four years of living in the Netherlands. I even had to double check with my mom if that's the vegetable I knew from Taiwan (I sent her a picture). Turns out, it is!
I immediately asked my mom to send me the Su family secret recipe for making Taiwanese pickled kohlrabi.
I am showing it here, so of course it is no longer secret now, haha.
1.Peel the kohlrabi as shown on the picture. 如圖示,先將大頭菜徹底去皮。2.Slice the kohlrabi into sticks similar to French Fries. Spread one teaspoon of salt over the kohlrabi. 將去完皮的大頭菜,切成像是薯條的細條狀,並灑上一湯匙的鹽巴,抹勻。3.Put it in a container and let it sit in the fridge for at least 7 hours. This will make the kohlrabi go soft. 再來將抹好鹽巴的大頭菜條,放進保鮮盒內,再來就是冷藏7小時。(這個步驟主要是除去大頭菜得苦澀味,並讓大頭菜變軟好入口)4.After 7 hours, wash off the salt with water. 經過7小時候,用清水把大頭菜多餘的鹽水洗掉,瀝乾放旁邊備用。5.Seasoning. You will need two tablespoons of sugar, two chilis (sliced), one tablespoon of sesame oil, one tablespoon of soy sauce. 調勻調味料:兩湯匙的糖.兩條辣椒切碎,一湯匙的麻油,一湯匙的醬油6.Mix it all together and add it to the kohlrabi. Ready to eat after 30 minutes. 最後將調味料與大頭菜充分的攪拌均勻,再進冷藏30分鐘,就可以馬上享用喔!