A hand-made souvenir, seasoned with sunshine, flowers, stone, and memories.

Coming back home from the Portugal trip, I hadn't bought anything, except some flowers which grew at the sunny beach house.

I wanted to keep this beautiful landscape, and sharing our memories with my boy's mom since she wasn't there with us. I came up with this idea, drying the flowers and putting them in a glass bottle with few stone picked up from beach. Instead of using real cork on top, I found this bottlelight in a design shop. I like the result very much, hoping she will like it too :-)

中花園 自葡萄牙的旅行回來後,雖沒有買任何東西 但倒是撿了些度假小屋花園裡的小花小草 因為米卡媽沒能跟我們一起旅行,我想利用這些東西 做成一個可以跟她分享那美麗風景回憶的飾品 於是想到了瓶中信的概念 這次裡面不放信,放著那徐徐海風吹拂沙灘上的小石子 ,和經烤箱烘乾的花朵,像個迷你的瓶中花園 然後意外的在設計小店看到會發光的橡木瓶塞 靈機一動覺得會超搭 結果還真的意外地好看 希望米卡媽會喜歡這個手作小禮物:-)